This shot shows Sonic playing against a monkey in a sombrero. They're two of the characters you start with, but by winning the right tournaments you can unlock a chick on rollerblades, a chick in a blue miniskirt and that dwarf from Golden Axe. You remember that game, right? If you had a Genesis back in the day, you might have played it a couple of times when you wanted a break from Sonic and Madden.

I mean, a lot of people have heard of Space Channel 5 and Nights Into Dreams, but how many have actually played them, much less could name a character from them. Yeah, OK, whatever. You knew a guy who knew a guy who had a Master System back in the fifth grade and one time you went to his house and played Alex Kidd in Miracle World. You're sooooo cool.
Honestly, I could have just waited for the new Mario Tennis. They are making one, right? I would have much rather seen Sega make a new Jet Set Radio or Samba de Amigo game (which apparently really is in the works). I'd happily bide my time playing either one of those instead of a watered down tennis sim that doesn't even have Knuckles in it.
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